Logo SquadraPescara

UNDER 14 (2010-2011)


Name: Francesco

Surname: Amenta

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 31/12/2012

Role: Central midfielder

Height: 165 cm

Goal: 2

Name: Giuseppe

Surname: Bedori

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 01/04/2010

Role: Goalkeeper

Height: 177 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Cristian

Surname: Bellini

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 11/06/2010

Role: Goalkeeper

Height: 177 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Mattia

Surname: Castellano

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 09/01/2010

Role: Left back

Height: 165 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Alex

Surname: Centi

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 24/08/2010

Role: Attacking midfielder

Height: 155 cm

Goal: 2

Name: Alessandro

Surname: Cianella

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 05/02/2010

Role: Central Defender

Height: 157 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Pietro

Surname: Cieri

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 22/03/2010

Role: Right back

Height: 156 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Leonardo

Surname: Dell' Orso

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 26/05/2010

Role: Central midfielder

Height: 169 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Giuseppe

Surname: Di Giampietro

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 23/02/2010

Role: Right wing

Height: 145 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Daniele

Surname: Di Giosaffatte

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 05/03/2010

Role: Forward

Height: 182 cm

Goal: 2

Name: Mattia

Surname: Di Pillo

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 01/03/2010

Role: Central midfielder

Height: 173 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Saverio

Surname: Giancristofaro

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 27/06/2010

Role: Central midfielder

Height: 165 cm

Goal: 1

Name: Francesco

Surname: Maio

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 29/03/2010

Role: Left midfielder

Height: 168 cm

Goal: 4

Name: Diego

Surname: Mazzocchetti

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 20/07/2010

Role: Forward

Height: 162 cm

Goal: 1

Name: Luca

Surname: Micacchioni

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 08/09/2010

Role: Central Defender

Height: 157 cm

Goal: 1

Name: Diego Fernando

Surname: Ortega

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 24/04/2010

Role: Left back

Height: 165 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Luca

Surname: Piersimone

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 26/01/2010

Role: Forward

Height: 175 cm

Goal: 4

Name: Mattia

Surname: Savini

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 17/06/2010

Role: Right midfielder

Height: 147 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Paolo

Surname: Spina

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 18/06/2010

Role: Central midfielder

Height: 152 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Matteo

Surname: Spinosi

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 26/02/2010

Role: Left back

Height: 162 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Diego

Surname: Stortini

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 14/01/2010

Role: Goalkeeper

Height: 181 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Piersilvio

Surname: Sulpizi

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 02/05/2010

Role: Attacking midfielder

Height: 161 cm

Goal: 2

Name: Lorenzo

Surname: Trisi

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 22/01/2010

Role: Right back

Height: 178 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Dinesh

Surname: Antonetti

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 04/05/2010

Role: Central Defender

Height: 179 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Matteo Maria

Surname: Cipollone

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 08/02/2010

Role: Right wing

Height: 173 cm

Goal: 0

Name: Emanuele Pio

Surname: Troiano

Shirt Number:

Date of birth: 27/01/2010

Role: Central Defender

Height: 185 cm

Goal: 1


Name: Claudio

Surname: Gorgoglione

Email: kla1990@live.it

Phone: 3294142617

Role: Allenatore

Name: Lorys

Surname: Di Censo

Email: loryspe@hotmail.it

Phone: 3278218422

Role: Collaboratore

Name: Francesco

Surname: De Vincentiis

Email: devincentiisfrancesco@gmail.com

Phone: 3405903517

Role: Collaboratore

Name: Alessandro

Surname: Di Pietro

Email: alex16836@gmail.com

Phone: 3738427341

Role: Dirigente

Name: Lorenzo

Surname: Monaco

Email: Lorenzo.monaco.pe@gmail.com

Phone: 3920175005

Role: Massaggiatore